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Friday, February 21, 2025

Flip Preperation

 I have been very busy lately catching up on house maintenance and subsequently spending minimal time boatbuilding.

But now I have caught up on the house it's time to get back to my little yacht. 

Now all the upper areas are fully glassed I only have to apply two more coats of resin and then it's time to flip the boat.

Initially I was intending to flip the boat and locate it upside down on the trailer BUT after a few calculations I realized this would make the height too high and difficult to glass.

So, plan B...........

I will construct two makeshift cradles or frames connected to the boat that will support it closer to the ground and be level horizontally and vertically but still allow minor adjustments to level exactly.

The frames will have a lower flat area where I can place four 4 wheeled moving Dollys in each corner to allow me to move the boat around the workshop. Each Dolly has a carrying capacity of 200 kgs.

The aft frame is constructed from scrap timber. It is screwed into seat back tops where the blocking timbers are located.

The frame is 50mm higher than the cabin top, this will ensure when the boat is upside down and level the cabin top is off the floor.

The middle post of the forward cradle/frame is screwed to BH 2 from inside the cabin at the same points that the tabernacle is secured.

The outer edges are screwed down to the cabin top into BH 2. This will distribute the weight evenly and securely.