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Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Last of the Lower Fillets

 Finally, the last of the lower fillets are laid and sanded.

Masking up.........

The area is wetted out, fillets laid, and peel ply applied over the wet fillet. A dry foam roller is used over the peel ply to make a smooth even finish.

Removal of the peel ply reveals a smooth fillet requiring minimal sanding.
Work has slowed down for a while due to illness.

After a couple of weeks in bed its back to the build........slowly

The area is thoroughly sanded

Glassing Time. A paper template is made, and a pencil line drawn around the outside.

The area is masked up and the glass is smoothed in place,

Resin squeegeed into the glass, when the resin is green set the glass is cut around the masking tape. 
One more down, 15 to go.

Template reversed and port side glassed in.
Two more down, 14 to go.

Another paper templet for the next section.

The next section of glass layed overlapping on the keel and hull bottom.

Two more down, 12 to go.

And so, the glassing goes on & on & on. but it is fun. Definitely recommend using knee pads……

Update from the glassing contortionist, I'm still having fun.....
only six more to go.

, finally all the glassing is complete up to BH 2

Here I'm laying reinforcing fiberglass tape with peel ply to reinforce the hull to BH 2 & BH7.

But being a sucker for punishment I am laying an additional strip of glass tape along the chine fillets. This will be a total of 4 layers on the chines areas that have overlapping glass and 3 between. This extra layer is purely for strength and will require additional fairing and sanding to provide a smooth finish inside the cabin area.
BUT my reason for the additional fiberglass tape is to provide peace of mind when sailing my local coastline which is mostly cliffs causing rough seas.

Now for some fillets in THAT AREA, so with a sturdy box to stand on, a noodle on the hull side, its head down (literally) and Ar.. up. I wish my arms were about nine inches longer.

That's the end of the seventh month of construction............